cyborg detector
cyborg activity


What is a cyborg?

glossary of terms
there are many definitions of cyborgs and not one that explains it all. basically, anybody could be a cyborg. cyborgs are ... flesh, hardware, software, culture and imagination.

body modification
technology was once something abjected from the individual, it was clearly outside of the body - similar to an object that individuals used. especially during the Age of Industrialization (19th century), machines, tools, and devices of all sorts were developed as extensions and prosthesis of the human body. this not only to fulfill certain functions but also to replace parts of the imperfect human body.
body modification

cyborg culture
at the same time, the question about what is the flesh-factor in this technology-informed culture has become a controversial issue among the many definitions and predictions about the manifold realities that this environment offers to the sense-of-self of the inhabitants of techno-culture.
cyborg culture

myths, fantasies, dreams, and science fiction
technology, myths, the fantasies and dreams about what technology can offer to humans, the history of sense-of-self and the contemporary stratified experiences of reality that we encounter in techno-culture, feed back into the flesh. through new interfaces/boundaries, the smooth flesh receives more than just an imprint of information. the flesh itself mutates in this ongoing exchanging process.
science fiction

cyborg identity
the identity of humans is no longer based on a body with a carbon substratum alone. by merging flesh that has a carbon substratum, metal and silicone substrated devices like semiconductor chips, the human experience of a sense-of-self is expanded by the properties and cultural factors of the absorbed components. the degree of assimilation varies strongly among people and not one sense of reality can be determined. not one definition of the cyborg-state can be given.
cyborg identity

Watch here the cyborg activity from this installation ‘Cyborg Detector’